About Us
Toni and Dan are the founders of Extracted. Here’s a little bit about their journey to becoming a groundbreaking UK supplement brand.

Born from a place of frustration
It all started with their flagship sleep supplement: Sleepee. Born from a place of frustration, with Toni - a prolific insomniac - struggling to find any long-term sleep solution, they set about on their mission to find a natural alternative to the short-term, and often highly addictive, knock-you-out-cold sleeping pills.
Sleepee was born
Working with sleep experts and nutritionists, they embarked on an extensive research project - spanning three years - looking into numerous scientific studies. The result? The powerhouse combo of 11 all-natural, sleep-inducing ingredients, in their most potent form; working in perfect harmony together to increase the body’s melatonin levels and put hyperactive brains into a state of ultimate calm.
Extracted expands
After the success of Sleepee, and hearing from numerous delighted customers on a daily basis - Toni and Dan decided to branch out into other key supplements to help people on their wellness journeys.