10 Ways To Cope After A Bad Night's Sleep

10 Ways To Cope After A Bad Night's Sleep

We've all been there – tossing and turning all night, watching the clock tick away and finally drifting off just before the alarm blares. A bad night's sleep can leave you feeling groggy, irritable and barely functional. But fear not. We've put together this guide to help you navigate the day after a sleepless night, offering practical tips to boost your energy and mood - even when you feel like you're running on empty. 

Understanding the impact of poor sleep

Before we dive into coping strategies, let's quickly touch on why a bad night's sleep affects us so profoundly:

  1. Cognitive function: Lack of sleep impairs attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning and problem-solving, often leading to a state commonly known as "brain fog”.
  2. Emotional regulation: Poor sleep can lead to mood swings, irritability and increased stress levels.
  3. Physical performance: Your coordination, reaction time and overall physical capabilities take a hit.
  4. Immune system: Even one night of poor sleep can affect your body's ability to fight off infections.
  5. Hormonal balance: Sleep deprivation can disrupt hormones that control hunger and fullness, potentially leading to overeating.

Now that we understand the stakes, let's explore how to mitigate these effects and make it through your day.

Strategies to cope after a bad night's sleep

1. Let there be light

What to do: As soon as you wake up, expose yourself to bright light.

Why it works: Light exposure helps reset your circadian rhythm, suppressing the production of melatonin (the sleep hormone) and boosting alertness.

Pro tip: If it's still dark outside, use a light therapy lamp or turn on bright indoor lights.

2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

What to do: Start your day with a large glass of water and continue drinking throughout the day.

Why it works: Dehydration can worsen fatigue, so staying hydrated helps maintain energy levels.

Pro tip: Keep a water bottle with you as a constant reminder to drink up.

3. Fuel your body right

What to do: Eat a balanced breakfast like porridge and fruit, take a comprehensive multivitamin and eat nutritious meals throughout the day.

Why it works: Proper nutrition provides the energy your body needs to function, especially when sleep deprived.

Pro tip: Focus on complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats. However tempting, avoid turning to biscuits to see you through the day - it'll only lead to energy crashes and feeling even more sluggish.

4. Caffeinate strategically

What to do: Enjoy your coffee or tea, but time it wisely.

Why it works: Caffeine can provide a much-needed boost, but consuming it too late in the day can affect your next night's sleep.

Pro tip: Stick to caffeinated beverages before 2pm to avoid disrupting your sleep cycle further - that includes Coke and energy drinks. 

5. Get moving

What to do: Engage in light to moderate exercise, even if you don't feel like it. 

Why it works: Physical activity is proven to increase alertness and energy levels.

Pro tip: A brisk walk outdoors first thing combines the benefits of exercise and natural light exposure. If the weather's bad, try a gentle YouTube workout. 

6. Take strategic power naps

What to do: If possible, take a short nap (15-20 minutes) in the early afternoon.

Why it works: A brief siesta, especially if you have something on that evening, can improve alertness without leaving you groggy. 

Pro tip: Set an alarm to avoid oversleeping, which can make you feel worse and affect the next night's sleep.

7. Prioritise and delegate

What to do: Focus on essential tasks and postpone less critical ones if possible.

Why it works: This approach helps you manage your reduced cognitive capacity effectively.

Pro tip: Use a to-do list like Asana to keep track of priorities and avoid overcommitting.

8. Use mindfulness techniques

What to do: Practice deep breathing or short meditation sessions throughout the day.

Why it works: These techniques can help reduce stress and improve focus.

Pro tip: Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique: inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7, exhale for 8.

9. Avoid important decision-making

What to do: If possible, postpone major decisions or important conversations. Avoid sending that resignation email until you're thinking straight! 

Why it works: Sleep deprivation can impair judgment and emotional regulation.

Pro tip: If you must make decisions, consult with well-rested colleagues or loved ones for a quick sanity check.

10. Create a sleep-conducive environment for the next night

What to do: Prepare your bedroom for optimal sleep conditions.

Why it works: Setting the stage for better sleep can help you recover more quickly.

Pro tip: Keep your bedroom cool, dark, tidy and quiet. Consider using blackout curtains, a fan or a white noise machine.

The role of sleep supplements

While these strategies can help you cope with the occasional bad night's sleep, chronic sleep issues require a more comprehensive approach. This is where sleep supplements like Sleepee can play a crucial role. But remember, not all sleep supplements are created equal. 

A world away from the “off the shelf” formulas you’ll find elsewhere, Sleepee contains not only an impressive line up of scientifically-proven, natural ingredients (11!), but also more milligrams of each ingredient (sometimes 5x more) than our competitors.

Its unique blend of 11 scientifically-proven ingredients works synergistically to:

  • Calm your mind and relax your body
  • Boost natural melatonin production
  • Improve sleep efficiency
  • Enhance overall sleep quality

By incorporating Sleepee into your nightly routine, you can potentially reduce the frequency of those dreaded sleepless nights, making it easier to maintain consistent energy levels and cognitive function throughout your days.

When to seek professional help

While occasional sleep disturbances are normal, persistent sleep problems can significantly impact your health and quality of life. If you're regularly experiencing bad nights of sleep, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider. They can help identify any underlying issues and provide personalised advice for improving your sleep hygiene.

Remember, a bad night's sleep doesn't have to derail your entire day. By implementing these coping strategies and addressing any chronic sleep issues with Sleepee, you can navigate even the groggiest mornings with greater ease. Here's to better days (powered by better nights). 

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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1 comment

Great tips. Sometimes the thought of “writing off” the next day is what keeps me awake longer, so knowing the following day might not be so bad and having these tips to bear in mind might actually help me sleep better!


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